I’ve spent most of today fine tuning the portrait generator bits, moving the anchors around a pixel or two at a time, and I am now so burnt out on faces that I don’t even want to look in a mirror. While researching how other artists draw cartoonish or caricatured faces, I found something that …
Tag: graphics
Sep 11
Random Portrait Generator
I’ve been working on a paper doll type portrait construction system for GearHead Caramel. This is the first randomly generated portrait created by the system; the player will also be able to use the portrait generator to customize their character. Once I have randomized NPCs up and running I’ll be able to start work on …
Dec 26
New Style Portraits: Step by Step
As you can see from the above picture, GearHead Caramel uses much bigger portraits than previous GearHead games, and the color switcher can handle subtler shading. Plus, there are now five recoloring channels to work with instead of just three. Here’s a quick tutorial on how I’ve been making portraits for the new system. I …
Sep 06
GearHead Caramel Damage Update
Work continues on the GearHead Caramel damage handler. Today I added damage animations; the more damage done, the bigger the explosion. There’s a special extra big explosion for the shot that destroys a target (pictured in the animation). I think everything is more or less ready to get the effect system working.
Jul 31
Shooting Anim Working
Jul 25
Party on Mecha Beach
A progress video for the new map renderer that I’ve been working on in Python. Layering and transparency work with the mecha traveling through the water. Also, the water now has a nice beach border around it. All of this took way too long to get right. As I’ve said before, if you’re thinking about …
Jul 21
Going to Cake Square
Tomorrow I’m heading to Incheon for the Cake Square comics festival. I’m hoping to get some work done on GearHead after the festival closes since it’s way too hot to go explore the city. Here’s a shot of some trees I made this morning; I’m not happy with them, but every little bit of pixel …
Nov 08
Procedural Texture Generation
Last week I mentioned that I’ve been playing around with procedural texture generation. The method I’ve been using takes an image sample, analyzes it, and then tries to reproduce its texture in several ways. For example, take this picture of grass from the public domain West’s Textures set. The source image shouldn’t have too many …
Apr 20
Plain Walls and GH2 Thoughts
There’s a wall type in GearHead that is described simply as “Wall”, and now it has a fancy new sprite. Well, maybe not fancy, but what do you expect for the most generic wall in the game? I’ve been thinking about the improvements to GH1 that I need to port to GH2. I think my …