Tag: caramel

Enjoy some Winter Mocha!

Happy Tip’s Eve, everyone! I just uploaded the first release of GearHead Caramel, a short scenario called Winter Mocha. Try it out and let me know what you think.

GearHead Caramel Exploration and Combat Working

Both exploration and combat are now working in GearHead Caramel… if you can forgive the fact that the enemy pilots fight like they’re drunk. Right now they just pick a random weapon, try to attack a random target, and if that doesn’t work out they walk randomly. I am hoping to release a playable demo …

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All The Missiles

It’s a bit hard to see the shot animations on the video (especially since I only fired one missile), so here’s a gif of a BuruBuru launching (and hitting with!) all 20 of its missiles at once. In GearHead Caramel the missiles anim shows how many missiles were fired, letting you know at once just …

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Another Caramel Update: Attack UI working

The attack interface is now working for GearHead Caramel. It doesn’t have a lot of bells and whistles yet- it’d be nice to have hotkeys, and if the interface would remember your preferred attack modes- but it seems to be fully functional. Also, notice that the different attacks use different shot animations. With attacks and …

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GearHead Caramel Tactics Movement

Today I got the tactics movement system running for GearHead Caramel. I think it works pretty well. Next steps: get vision working properly, and after that attacks. With any luck there’ll be a playable demo before December 25th.

GearHead Caramel Effect System

This week, I got the modular effect system working in GearHead: Caramel. This is pretty much the same effect system as used by Dungeon Monkey Eternal, but generalized and expanded to handle the GearHead rule system. The two effects needed for a basic attack (AttackRoll and DoDamage) work, and there is a new option to …

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GearHead Caramel Damage Update

Work continues on the GearHead Caramel damage handler. Today I added damage animations; the more damage done, the bigger the explosion. There’s a special extra big explosion for the shot that destroys a target (pictured in the animation). I think everything is more or less ready to get the effect system working.

Shooting Anim Working

The shooting animation is up and running in GearHead Caramel; just look at how smooth those bullets are. As in Dungeon Monkey Eternal, different weapons will be able to have different projectile sprites.

GearHead: Caramel Combat System

Today I tried to figure out how attacks and other such effects are going to be modeled in GearHead: Caramel. If you’ve ever checked the GH1/GH2 source code, you’ll know that the old GearHead attack routine is a confusing mess of spaghetti that handles everything from beamswords to smoke bombs all in the same place. …

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Party on Mecha Beach

A progress video for the new map renderer that I’ve been working on in Python. Layering and transparency work with the mecha traveling through the water. Also, the water now has a nice beach border around it. All of this took way too long to get right. As I’ve said before, if you’re thinking about …

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