Category: Development

Modding GearHead Caramel: How to Make Portrait Bits

Now that GearHead Caramel is in a properly playable state, I thought I should start explaining how it works. Unlike previous GearHead games, Caramel uses a portrait generator that assembles characters from component parts. Each portrait bit can be anchored to a particular spot on the portrait, can contain multiple images, and each of those …

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GearHead Caramel v0.600: Completely Completeable

GearHead Caramel v0.600 has just been released. The big news this time around is that the DeadZone Drifter campaign now has a proper conclusion. In addition there are new skill trainers, you can buy medicine + other consumables, and you can ask potential lancemates about their skills before you hire them. The binaries for Windows, …

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Merry Christmas!

I was hoping to get the first complete release of DeadZone Drifter finished for today, but then last night while I was playing through the conclusion I found a major bug that has somehow gone unnoticed for the past year or so. Anyhow, I fixed the bug, and may or may not post a new …

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GearHead Caramel v0.560: Kerberos Attacks!

GearHead Caramel v0.560 has been uploaded to GitHub. This one comes with some graphics upgrades, balance tweaks, and the ability to (finally!) retreat from combat… which you might need if you wander into the new Kerberos scenario. This means things are set up nicely for me to start work on the DeadZone Drifter conclusion. I’m …

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GHC v0.551: Quick Bugfix

Turns out that v0.550 crashes on a fresh install; many thanks to AmkG for reporting and fixing the problem. You can download v0.551 from GitHub. The only other change for now is that I changed the Corsair’s Heavy Rocket Pod back to 4 missiles from 5, since I’m working on a model of it for …

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GHC v0.542: The Mecha Graveyard

GearHead Caramel v0.542 has just been released. The big addition this time is dungeons: Wujung Undercity returns from GH1, and there’s a new adventure called the Mecha Graveyard. You can see the complete list of changes and download the binaries (or source) at GitHub.

GHC v0.540: Towns Get Stuff

I have just uploaded GearHead Caramel v0.540. Lots of new content this time around; every town gets its own randomized threat scenario, for instance. The Vadel and the Daum have been added from previous GearHead games. Give it a try and let me know what you think. The next big thing is going to be …

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GHC v0.520: Mechanical Tarot and Mechanical You

I’ve just uploaded a new release of GearHead Caramel, v0.520. Probably the most exciting change this time around is the addition of cybernetics; there are also improvements to the Mechanical Tarot scenario generator and cosmetic enhancements to Wujung. And you get to punch nazis. You can see the full list of pages at the GitHub …

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Mechanical Tarot Upgrade

I have just done an upgrade of the Mechanical Tarot scenario generator, and I think it’s ready for prime time. The concept behind the Mechanical Tarot is that various NPCs, factions, locations, and props get “Cards” attached to them. These cards define the role of whatever they’re attached to, and also define how this thing …

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Improving GearHead Caramel’s Combat Interface

GearHead Caramel has been out for a week and a half, gotten its first update, and so far I’ve been hearing a lot of good things about it. I’d like to thank everyone who has supported GearHead development whether through code contributions and bug reports, and Patreon, or just sending me encouraging messages. One …

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