Comic World Busan 96

This weekend I tabled at Comic World Busan 96. I met a bunch of people, ate a whole bunch of food, and sold out of four books. It was a good time.

Unfortunately, it was the last ComicWorld for Belli-buttons and Puppyshaker (for now), leaving me the last foreigner at Korean comikets (for now). I wish the two of them good luck in their future endeavors, and thank them for all the help and advice they’ve given me. Incidentally, everyone who tables at ComicWorld has a cool trucker-esque nickname. Mine is 펭귄아저씨.

One thing I noticed is that there’s no mecha at Comic World Busan. In Seoul there’s Kim Yura (aka GoddessMechanic) and sometimes a few other artists, but they never seem to make it down this way. I really ought to look into putting together some GearHead swag. I thought about making illustration cards with a mecha on one side and its pilot on the other. Another good idea would be papercraft mecha; I’d love to have some models of the GH mecha myself, and this would be a reason for me to try and improve my 3D modeling skills.

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