It’s new GHC release day! You can download v0.975 from all the usual places- Steam, itch.io, and GitHub. I should mention that it’s currently 23% off at both Steam and itch, so if you want to support development now is an excellent time to buy it.
Probably the most exciting change this time around is the addition of bonus actions. I’ve had a lot of players ask when they’ll be able to use more than two actions per turn. I guess giving the action clock four quarters was a bit of a giveaway? Anyhow, I have added the bonus action system: you can spend stamina to get extra actions. The more bonus actions you take in one turn, the higher the price gets. Stamina is also needed for defense; once you run out you are extremely vulnerable. I think this is an interesting trade-off and I hope you enjoy it.
To go along with bonus actions, there are new mecha systems to make them easier to get. Dynamic Mecha Control and Reflex Control cockpits both reduce the cost of bonus actions. High output engines and high performance engines from GearHead 2 have been added. Finally, you can give your mecha an advanced gyroscope, which provides multiple bonuses but is a more fragile system than the default gyro.
Missions which do not receive a proper description will now randomly generate their own description based on the enemy faction, allied faction, and mission objectives. This should cut down on the number of rivals who say things like “I am here to defeat you, and in order to defeat you I will defeat you!”, though I will admit that I do love bad procedurally generated text.
There are also some new missions, factions, and bugfixes. As usual try it out and let me know what you think.
Here’s the complete list of changes:
- Updated the Allied Armor bookshelf
- Enchantments do not continue to update on dead/destroyed combatants
- Biotech mecha get a +2 action bonus
- Characters and mecha can spend stamina to get extra actions
- Added different cockpit control types
- Added High Output Engine, High Performance Engine
- Added Advanced Gyroscope; Gyroscopes are no longer Integral by default
- Fixed sound effect repeat bug
- Fixed dungeon branch naming bug
- A biotech torso can only install a biotech engine; non-biotech mecha may not use biotech engines
- Added Ravagers faction
- Biotech mecha can only mount biotech modules; non-biotech mecha may not mount biotech modules
- Reduced Stamina loss from cyberware
- Rebalanced monster dodge skill
- Corporate factions now have allies and enemies
- FieldHQ name buttons now use labels and can resize text if name is too long
- New MissionText generated if no MissionGrammar provided to BuildAMissionSeed
- Random MissionText added